Thursday, January 20, 2011

To fast to keep up

We are deeply sorry that we have not been able to keep up with our post as we haven't had very much time to access the internet.  Our days have been kept so busy with all the prep for the lessons.                             

With the end of the kids camps this day turned out to be a bitter sweet day.  We were not going to be working with our teen helpers again and this was a little hard as we had built such a good relationship with them.  It was a very good day with the morninig worship service being in Spanish and being able to worship with our Colombian friends.  Rick preached the message on salvation and it was very good talk.  The afternoon was spent trying to get ready for the first English service that they ha dever had.  The service went really good as there were quite a few people that loved being able to practice there English.  There were also some who had not been able to worship in English for some time and were happy for the chance.

With the start of our ESL classes we were all a little on edge as we wern't sure as to what we would be getting.  Up till this point we had changed all our lessons and knew that we would have to change them again once we did the first one.  We quickly discovered that they weren't very intrested in our culutural presentation so we shortened them down to 5 minutes.  The lesson on the first day went really good.  Rick and Jason did a great jod and the students all had fun.  There are about 250 people registered and that day most of them showed up so it was very crowded in the evening lesson.


  1. We do appreciate your updates. Two weeks ago Matt began his talk with 2 Peter 1.3-4

    "We have everything we need to live a life that pleases God. It was given to us by God's own power.... God made great and marvelous promises, so that his nature would become part of us." [CEV]

    And don't forget what our all powerful God said to a rather overwhelmed Joshua.

    "I've commanded you to be strong and brave. Don't ever be afraid or discouraged! I am the LORD your God, and I will be there to help you wherever you go." [Josh 1.9 CEV]

    God has asked you to partner with Him in this great work -- He will not let you down -- leave the results to Him.


  2. so excited about all God is doing for you and through you!!
    Praying for you all
